Covered in Majesty


Clenita Thomas, Covered in Majesty

Business Leaders of Colors would like to introduce you to Clenita Thomas, the owner of Covered in Majesty. She makes lap scarves which are typically used in church to cover a woman’s legs when sitting. Her business brings this concept to everyday life in a modern and distinctive way. Clenita creates art for your lap and brings fashion to modesty.

When asked how she weathered the pandemic Clenita replied, “I did not put much energy into my business because of the lack of time. However, I did learn how to make masks which will be a new addition to my inventory since masks are still very much needed”. She also received certification to teach step class with Xtreme Hip Hop so this adds another stream of income to her business.

When asked what advice would she give to a new business owner she said, “Take chances. If you take the necessary steps, God will provide the stairs. Once I stepped out in faith, God provided everything I needed and even things that I did not ask for.”

In Clenita’s words, “we are all unique and so are Covered in Majesty’s handmade scarfs. I love creating the pieces and hearing the positive feedback from my customers. I take pride in what I create in hopes that it will accent the unique style of the buyer.”  The best business advice that she has ever received was that you are only in competition with yourself so don't focus on what everyone else is doing. Keep your focus on God and you will never lose.

Clenita Thomas, thank you for being a part of the Business Leaders of Colors network!


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